Preventing Shoplifting With Security: The Role of Retail Security Guards in Improving Your Business

Preventing Shoplifting With Security: The Role of Retail Security Guards in Improving Your Business

Security is crucial for retail businesses that want to prevent costly inventory loss or shrinkage and create a safe environment for their customers to ensure the longevity of their business. 

Overview of the Role of Security Guards in Preventing Retail Theft and Other Crimes

Hiring security guards, especially during peak shopping seasons, is another way to proactively prevent various causes of inventory loss aside from upgrading your security system. These causes include shoplifting and theft, whether it is internal or external.

Security guards help prevent these crimes through visible deterrence, strict access control, continuous surveillance, conducting bag checks, and other loss prevention strategies.

They can also help you create tailored solutions to address shoplifting through risk assessments, apprehend shoplifters, and respond to incidents promptly to mitigate further losses to your business.

Scout Security offers retail security services to help you prevent inventory shrinkage, protect your bottom line, and avoid business closure.

We have fully licensed and insured stationary guards, mobile patrollers, and CCTV operators in the Denver Metro and Colorado Springs areas who can assist you in implementing a robust loss prevention plan for your business. Call us now!

Why Choose Security Guards to Enhance Your Loss Prevention Strategy

Why Choose Security Guards to Enhance Your Loss Prevention Strategy

By hiring uniformed or undercover guards to deter potential shoplifters or thieves, you can focus on your business operations without worrying about the safety of your products.

According to a 2023 survey conducted by the National Retail Federation (NRF), 41.4% of retailers discourage their employees from intervening with shoplifters and thieves due to fear of violence and liabilities that these confrontations may cause. The alternative is to hire trained security personnel or off-duty police officers to deal with the situation professionally and legally.

For instance, Scout Security employs certified guards with law enforcement or military backgrounds so they are experienced in dealing with dangerous situations effectively. They also receive comprehensive training in safety and security techniques including local laws and regulations (e.g. criminal law) and verbal de-escalation tactics.

Thus, they can deal with shoplifters (and other aggressive perpetrators) calmly without the need for unnecessary force that might lead to lawsuits.

Also Read: The Role of Security Guards in Retail & Commercial Properties

However, some businesses prefer to accept losses from theft and consider them more cost-effective in the long run compared to hiring security guards. If you have the same thoughts, you might want to rethink it because the impact of more serious crimes like armed robberies and assaults on your inventory and business might cost you more than hiring private guards.

It is better to take proactive measures (i.e. hiring security guards) than deal with reputational damage and significant inventory shrinkage that could lead to loss of sales and your business being shut down.

7 Ways Retail Security Guards Can Effectively Prevent Shoplifting, Theft, and Robbery in Your Store

Ways retail security guards prevent shoplifting in stores: Risk assessment | Visual deterrence

#1 Assisting You In Identifying Risk Factors In Your Store

We understand that each establishment has unique security challenges. This is why we collaborate with you to conduct thorough risk assessments that include:

  • Identifying gaps in your security plan
  • Pinpointing areas vulnerable to shoplifting/theft by both your customers and employees
  • Developing customized solutions to address identified gaps

These solutions are aimed to improve the effectiveness of your security measures and reduce the risk of security breaches, shoplifting, theft, or other security incidents.

Examples of tailored loss prevention strategies are:

  • Strategically placing surveillance cameras in areas with heavy traffic to enhance visibility and facilitate real-time response to suspicious activities
  • Increasing the number of guards in high-risk areas such as access points or during the holiday season
  • Enforcing customer limits to manage store traffic, especially in smaller stores selling expensive goods
  • Updating surveillance and monitoring practices (e.g. scheduled or unscheduled “floor walking”) to adapt to new theft patterns

Also Read: 10 Benefits of Hiring a Security Guard to Protect Your Business

#2. Deterring Potential Shoplifters and Thieves Through Their Presence

Your customers and employees will be mindful of their actions when they know a security officer is watching, which reduces the likelihood of shoplifting.

Security guards are effective in deterring shoplifters and actively preventing similar crimes simply by being visible in your store.

The sight of a security officer, especially one in a uniform similar to the police, creates a strong impression of authority. This makes potential shoplifters/thieves think twice knowing that they are being watched and can be caught by trained professionals. They make shoplifters avoid your store altogether rather than risk confrontation.

Also Read: How Can Uniformed Security Guards Deter Crime in Your Business?

Ways retail security guards prevent shoplifting in stores: Continuous monitoring | Creating a welcoming environment

#3. Monitoring Your Establishment Vigilantly to Spot Shoplifting Behavior

Security guards combine observation, technology, and physical checks to safeguard your establishment against shoplifting and theft.

Our guards will actively monitor the behavior of your customers and their environment. Their training includes recognizing signs of potential shoplifting/theft, such as suspicious body language, and can intervene before a crime occurs.

Guards monitor your establishment to proactively prevent shoplifting by:

  • Watching Live CCTV Footage: Security cameras help extend the surveillance capabilities of security guards by allowing them to monitor multiple areas simultaneously and react quickly to any suspicious activity.
  • Performing Regular Foot Patrols: Guards walk around your establishment during retail hours, especially in low-traffic areas of your store, to further minimize the opportunities for shoplifting and catch criminals in the act.

Moreover, security guards may perform bag checks at exits to add another layer of protection. They can also monitor anti-theft devices and prevent shoplifters from exiting your premises.

Also Read: How to Increase Business Security With a 24-Hour Guard

#4. Creating a Welcoming Environment and Providing Customer Service

Retail security guards can offer excellent customer service which can decrease the likelihood of shoplifting. Building a personal connection with your customers and making them feel respected can discourage them from committing unlawful acts.

The key duties of guards can include offering quality customer service such as helping with directions, answering questions, and managing crowds during peak times. Aside from minimizing the risk of theft, this also improves the overall experience of your customers and boosts customer loyalty which encourages repeat sales.

In addition, the visible presence of security guards also helps prevent workplace violence. This contributes to a safer environment for your customers and employees alike. They can de-escalate tense situations effectively and intervene if necessary.

Also Read: How Security Guards Prevent Workplace Violence

Ways retail security guards prevent shoplifting in stores: Enforcing company protocols | Apprehending & detaining shoplifters | Training employees

#5. Enforcing Your Company Protocols to Prevent Internal Theft By Your Vendors and Employees

Security guards can help enforce your company protocols to prevent vendor theft by verifying their credentials and conducting regular inspections to ensure compliance and reduce the risk of theft. They also monitor areas with restricted access and make sure that only authorized individuals can enter. Thus, maintaining the integrity of your supply chain.

To control employee theft, guards monitor the activities of your employees, including inventory management and transactions. They help create a culture of accountability and remind your employees that dishonesty will have consequences.

Also Read: 11 Problems a Security Guard Can Help You Solve

#6. Apprehending and Detaining Shoplifters Until Law Enforcement Arrives

Security guards can address shoplifting incidents quickly and discreetly to reduce potential losses to your business.

Since they are trained in threat detection and de-escalation techniques, they can apprehend shoplifters with minimal disruption to your operations. And as we’ve mentioned, guards are equipped with the legal knowledge required for detaining suspects.

Thus, ensuring that they operate within the bounds of your local laws.

Depending on your state, security guards can legally detain shoplifters based on “reasonable grounds”. That is, they must personally witness the act of shoplifting. Aside from legal constraints, your store’s policies will dictate their actions during these incidents.

Guards cannot arrest suspects based purely on suspicion, detain them against their will, or use unnecessary force. Detainment is considered a temporary measure to investigate theft allegations until law enforcement arrives.

Also Read: Security Guard Legal Powers: What They Can and Can’t Do

Security guards can also assist in police investigations and work with law enforcement.

Guards can aid police officers by providing crucial information and evidence to increase the chances of prosecuting shoplifters effectively. They can serve as relevant witnesses in case of legal issues.

#7. Helping You Train Your Employees to Spot Shoplifters

Professional loss prevention guards can work alongside your management to develop and implement employee training programs. This will help them recognize and respond to suspicious behavior effectively. Thus, strengthening your strategy against internal and external shoplifting and theft.

Other Key Things to Know About Loss Prevention in Retail Settings

Other Key Things to Know About Loss Prevention in Retail Settings

Potential Reasons That Make Your Shop Vulnerable to Shoplifting and Other Crimes & Why You’re Failing to Prevent These Incidents

The key reason is that you are giving criminals easy opportunities such as:

  • Poor lighting
  • Absence of guards
  • Insufficient monitoring and lax access controls
  • Unrestricted access to items
  • Over-reliance on law enforcement for theft prevention

As we’ve discussed, monitoring your vendors and employees is important because they might exploit their insider status and manipulate your inventory records.

You should not also rely too much on the police because their response can be slow and inadequate due to limited resources. They won’t be able to prioritize your concerns all the time since they have a whole city to monitor. This reduces the chances of the shoplifter being apprehended.

Thus, you must take proactive steps in managing your store’s security which includes considering professional security services to enhance your safety measures.

Also Read: Break-Ins: What to Do When Your Business Has Been Broken Into

7 More Tips for Retailers to Prevent Shoplifting at Your Store

  1. Install adequate lighting and highly visible security cameras
  2. Install motion detectors and sound sensors to track shoplifting incidents
  3. Position large mirrors strategically throughout your store to enhance visibility
  4. Place expensive items away from entrances
  5. Use people-driven security systems like electronic anti-theft devices (e.g. detection systems, retail security tags, and display cases)
  6. Encourage customer cooperation with discounts for scanning packages
  7. Place physical barriers between racks and cash registers

Avoid using regular employees for security to prevent distraction from their primary roles and comply with insurance policies.

2 Other Important Duties that Security Guards Can Perform to Enhance Your Store’s Security

Aside from the retail security guard duties we’ve listed above, other key roles that they can perform include the following:

#1. Writing Detailed Incident Reports and Documentation

Guards are trained to document security incidents meticulously. This can help in fixing gaps in your security strategies, recognize criminal patterns, and aid law enforcement efforts. They can provide real-time reporting and customize reports to your specific needs.

#2. Responding to Emergencies

Aside from apprehending shoplifters and other perpetrators, security guards also offer immediate response during emergencies. They can administer first aid, facilitate evacuations, and manage various emergency situations effectively. These include fires, armed robberies, and natural disasters. Thus, ensuring safety and order in your premises during critical times.

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Hire Scout Security’s Licensed Retail Security Guards to Deter Crimes in Your Store and Prevent Liabilities

We have been providing tailored solutions to numerous businesses in various industries, including retail and other commercial real estate businesses, in the Colorado Springs and Denver Metro areas for years. Thus, we can guarantee your satisfaction if you hire us as your partner in your loss prevention efforts.

Work with our licensed security guards, video surveillance operators, and mobile patrol officers with military and law enforcement backgrounds to guarantee the effectiveness of your retail security strategies. Contact us now!

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